Creative Responses to Why We Run Ultras
Creative Responses to the question "Why do you run ultras?" or "Why would you want to do that to your body?"
- If it gives me happiness and a sense of fulfillment and harms no one, how could I not do it?
- You now how some people say, "life is passing way too quickly". Well, during a long ultra you can really slow things down--TIME CRAWLS!
- You do a lot more harm to yourself by not exercising than you do by running ultras. Why would you do THAT to yourself?
- It's crazy... but other than that, it's kind of fun.
- "It curbs my violent tendencies" (especially effective when said while holding a knife, axe or chainsaw)
- Any idiot can run a marathon, but it takes a special kind of idiot to run an ultramarathon!
- It's no more foolish than chasing a little white ball around a big lawn and trying to hit it into little tiny holes!
- I'm running from my fat ass but it's right behind me so I gotta keep running.
- If we didn't run like this, how would we know how far we could go?
- I do this because it is the only thing I have found (outside of S&M perhaps) that gives me such incredible pleasure and incredible pain that I feel completely connected to my own existence.
- Because I'm a bad person and deserve pain, and running a 100 miles is my penance. I know, there is some deep psychological disorder but at least it seems like a healthy outlet for those feelings.
- "If you have to ask, you'll never understand".
- "I've got dangerously low cholesterol, and the food you eat during an ultra is generally very high in cholesterol. That's why I feel better after a race."
- My mother abused me by constantly dropping me on my head.
- What? You mean everyone doesn't do this!?
- It gives me the chance to practice singing Alice's Restaurant till I get it right.
- Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time.
- The drugs, I do it for the drugs.
- Because I get to show off my cute butt in those sexy tights.
- Hell, I spend $50 to run a marathon and all they have at the aid stops is water.
- My wife refuses to tie me down and take a whip to my legs.
- The devil made me do it.
- To those who know, no explanation is necessary .... To those who do not know, no explanation will suffice.
- I do it for the fame and fortune and wild sex from all those ultra groupie women.
- How else am I going to reach the finish line, duh?
- I just went out to jog a mile and I forgot to stop.
- It is just so beautiful- the trails, the sky, the feelings throughout, the joy at finishing.
- I haven't found anything else that gives me such a feeling of pride.